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release date spring 2020

Sen Lotus is passionate, impulsive Indie pop with a touch of classical songwriting and beautiful, catchy melodies with influences and shades that
can be traced to British, rather than American guitar music. Sen Lotus are an Austrian three piece who site British, rather than American, guitar music as their main influence and , quite frankly, this couldn’t be any more obvious; single ‘Focus’ hits you in the face with a slab of British post-punk New wave. ‘Focus’ opens with a jangly acoustic guitar that sets up the basic melody, layered over this is a simple, echoey electric guitar riff that serves as the hook, and attracts your attention. However, it is the synth that underpins this track, serving as the foundation to which every other instrument builds around it, that really exposes the New Wave influences and teamed with the almost flat and emotionless vocal style the track evokes bands such as Depeche Mode or Pet Shop Boys. 

Gina Kershaw  - Yeah Buddy Blog / Liverpool

strasse der zuversicht


For your reassurance - there are a lot of potential hits on „Street of Confidence“! The band put in a huge effort to create a big, radiant pop-design; the refinement of the sound and the decision to concentrate on song structure and melodies payed off well and one can hear influences of bands like Kaiser Chiefs and other members of the Indie genre. Those influences will only be perceived as pleasant quotations which do not try to fool the listener's ear or even force themselves into consciousness. „Street of Confidence“ is rarely gentle and innocent and way more direct and immediate than it's predecessor, but at the same time even more radiant and darker.

m. debase

one step


Produced: 2012

Duration : 1:14 min

Titel : one step
has got this green light that came out of rendering the film but makes a perfect atmosphere for this song .
It deals about leaving things behind in life and crossing the border between the past and the future with that one step you make
at least the lyrics are just a layout there so don´t concentrate too much on them
tune in !!




Produced: 2012

Duration: 4:54 min

Titel: focus
filmed at their first european tour in 2012 Sen Lotus played serval shows in Berlin , Manchester and London.
The video was filmed  and cut by Thomas Schwarz who played bass guitar as well. Scenes were taken at Intersoup / Berlin , Cafe Oberholz in Berlin , Alley Cat Bar / London , Sand Bar in Manchester and from couch surfing .
enjoy !!



Sen Lotus is passionate, impulsive Indie pop with a touch of classical
songwriting and beautiful, catchy melodies with influences and shades that
can be traced to British, rather than American guitar music. Just imagine,
Bernard Summer (New Order), Ross Millard  (Futureheads) and  Benni Thiel
(Schrottgrenze) as well as  Chris Urbanowicz (Editors) would form a band –
they might sound like Sen Lotus.
    The Band´s currently working on an new album which is due to release in spring 2019



sen lotus


mail (at) senlotus . net

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